
7 years ago 0 120
In February I started a new job that had long hours 9am-6pm, it was on the opposite direction ...
8 years ago 0 57
5 foods to eat before sleeping to make muscle gains in 2017 from Eugene Madondo One of the ...
8 years ago 0 80
So the last time I posted I was weighing 84kg (185lbs) and had just gotten mass gainer to ...
8 years ago 0 67
I have been bulking seriously now for just over 3 months and I have gained 9kg so far, ...
8 years ago 0 55
(I have made a video of this post so if you prefer watching a video you can skip ...
8 years ago 0 66
As I said in the last post I have started bulking seriously with the aid of USN Hardcore ...
8 years ago 0 64
I am back at gym now for about a month since mid-February, I was away from gym for ...
10 years ago 0 82
Hey guys I hope you are having an awesome festive season so far. A few days back it ...
10 years ago 0 80
Hey guys, Its been a while since I last posted here. The last progress update I wrote was ...
10 years ago 0 74
Hey guys I have been home for about 3 weeks now, and its been about two weeks since ...
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