Working out during the festive season & new years resolutions

Hey guys I hope you are having an awesome festive season so far. A few days back it was Christmas and I’m sure many of you enjoyed the festive treats. Lots of people are going to gain weight (fat) during the festive season and are going to try and work it off at the beginning of next year. Losing weight and getting in shape is going to be many people’s new years resolution and most will fail to do so but the dedicated few will get in shape or get back in shape.

Some people who workout regularly slack off during the festive season and end up gaining lots of bad weight and getting out of shape, my approach to the festive season is to use it to bulk up and treat is as any other time of the year in terms of my workout schedule (oh in fact I workout more during the festive season since I have more time since I am not busy with school).  My gym closes around Christmas till the start of the following year, although this sucks for me, I still find a way to workout at home using body-weight exercises and dumbbells because its important for me to maintain or even improve my physique even when its the festive. Just because its the festive season it does not mean your workouts have to stop. You can still eat the festive treats and work them off at the gym or even include them when you are counting your daily calories.
Below are pics I took yesterday showing how I currently look, I have not gained any weight and yet I seem more muscular and ripped. 
staying in shape this festive season Eugene Madondo

A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. be a carrier.

staying in shape during festive season- african muscle 6 pack abs
staying in shape during the festive season - eugene madondo african fitness

If you want to stay in shape during the festive you can do it as long as you continue training, watch how much you eat and maintain discipline. If you fail to maintain your regular routine during the festive season or even if you want to begin the new year by getting in shape you can also do that as long as you put your mind into it and you don’t give up. As Tom Stoppard said “a healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier” I wish you all a happy festive season and best of luck with your goals in 2015.

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