
11 years ago 0 77
How Long To See Results of Training source: numbqueen.tumblr.com I have been seeing motivational pictures like the one ...
12 years ago 0 98
I am starting to familiarize myself with vlogging on YouTube as I feel its a good way to ...
12 years ago 0 85
Last week some time, I wrote about changing from a 5 day one body part per day workout ...
12 years ago 0 93
In the fitness world you find that metabolism and metabolic rate are always spoken about but not too ...
12 years ago 0 100
Many people have commitment problems and I am not talking about relationships here. People fail to make a ...
12 years ago 0 74
Technology has been improving at an alarming rate in the past 100 years, more than at any other ...
12 years ago 0 75
With AFCON 2013 fever around I thought it would be great to write about some of the reasons ...
12 years ago 0 84
I have been slow bulking for a while now and I feel its time I cut and see ...
12 years ago 0 77
Apparently according to the Mayans or the people who study them, the world is going to end this ...
12 years ago 0 75
I remember I started this blog last year around this time of year; it was the 4th of ...
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