
12 years ago 0 80
Common mistakes we make at the beginning  of our fitness journey When we first start working out we ...
12 years ago 0 92
6 pack abs workout simplified We all want six pack abs right…but most of us think there is ...
12 years ago 0 99
So I was surfing the web as usual and I found this picture of Kai Greene (great wise ...
13 years ago 0 111
Pierre Spies Blue Bulls & South African Rugby Player Pierre Spies is one of the best athletes to ...
13 years ago 0 87
Increase your Cardio Options So I believe that cardio is a very important part of a workout whether ...
13 years ago 0 127
LEGENDS OF BODY-BUILDING Today I want to compile a different kind of workout inspiration, I want to share ...
13 years ago 0 115
Non-stop gains Do you remember the first time you started lifting weights? When you gained a lot of ...
13 years ago 0 101
Today I thought I would post a different kind of motivation for those guys who want to be ...
13 years ago 0 118
Home training made easy Most people are busy and cannot find time to go to the gym so ...
13 years ago 0 104
Swimming to burn calories I am not a fan of water sports like swimming but come Olympic time ...
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