What Happens When You Lift Weights on a Low Calorie Diet?

Hey guys it’s been a while since I updated the blog. Today I
want to share what I have been up to in the last 6 months in terms of training
and nutrition. I can honestly say the past 6 months has been like two
contrasting 3 month seasons. I started off eating really badly, I was basically
surviving on a diet of bread, MacDonald’s, instant noodles, canned fish, peanut
butter, oats, pies and oven baked foods (whatever I could grill in the oven for
20 minutes to eat with bread). When I was eating this way I was never really
full so I had to eat a lot of it but I was never satisfied. I never seemed to
be making any gains just maintaining.

v-taper from consistent training and low calorie diet
V-taper Johnny Bravo Physiques from consistent training and not eating that much.

If I ate say oats (with milk a sugar) in the morning (two
bowls), peanut butter sandwiches during lunch (at least six slices of whole
what low GI bread) and oven baked potato chips and say two portions of hake for
supper with 6 slices of whole wheat low GI bread, I would not be full for me to
feel okay I would have to add say two packets of 2 minute noodles a few hours
after supper and maybe another packet between lunch and supper. I wasn’t
gaining any weight eating this way, but at least I wasn’t losing any weight
that’s what I told myself. My diet was not a balanced nor a healthy one, there
was a clear lack of fruits and veggies in my diet, I would go to this
vegetarian place for lunch a couple times a week to get myself a large
vegetarian meal so that I wouldn’t feel guilty. I would also go to McDonalds, KFC
or Steers a few times a week to get myself a medium meal there (I told you I
was not eating very healthy). As I said before I wouldn’t gain any weight
eating like this, I would just be maintaining.
side profile of results from consistent training and low calorie diet

results from consistent training and low calories diet

Then the second half of the last 6 months I decided that I
would start eating properly and cooking real meals. I did not eat a lot just 3
times a day and sometimes 4 times a day. I would have oats in the morning, a
pie and 3 samoosas or 6 slices of bread two portions of hake with baked potato
chips then I would cook some stew or curry (chicken, lamb, beef with veggies)
with brown rice or pap (made from maize meal). I would also sometimes buy
bananas and apples to eat in between meals. I was still not eating enough to
gain any significant weight (gained a kilo or two) but I felt full and I seemed
to have more energy. I know how much I need to eat in order for my body to
allow me to gain any weight, it’s probably double of what I have just described
above because that’s how much I used to eat when I was 80kg and above.


 My diet may have been
bad but I have been training consistently in the past 6 months, I found 2 new
gym partners, one of whom stopped gyming after going back home for a week in
April (have no idea what made him stop but I will try and convince him to come
back to the gym).  We are still going
hard with my other gym partner, we usually go to gym 5 times a week and we have
been training one body part per day, doing 4 exercises for 3-4 sets of 10-12.
We do not train abs to be honest. I am skinny but my shape has improved this
year, or maybe I am just better at posing I don’t know. I am really lean and
small around 72/73kg the last time I checked. Look at the picture at the top I
seem to have a better v-taper shape than before, the back looks wider, which
gives an appearance of being big when I am actually quite small.
v-taper from consistent training and low calorie diet

Anyways I just wanted to share what happened when I mixed
consistent training and calories equal to or below maintenance calories. I will
try and post a video and more blog posts. Thanks for taking the time to visit
my blog and to read this update. Happy training! 

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