CReAtiNe X4 16 DaY PRogreSs

I am now weighing Just over 80kg. I am happy with the progress so far, I have gained 2kg since I last checked in november. I feel that the creatine X4 has been working well and that by the end of this month I will gain another kg. The disadvantage of taking creatine is that it requires for you to drink alot of water. I should be drinking roughly 2-3litres of water a day and I usually struggle to drink that much, leaving me with a constant feeling of dehydration. To add to that I have been feeling bloated since taking the creatine, I guess its my stomach reacting to the creatine and the lack of water. I try to drink atleast 2litres per day as well as lots of juice as I find it easier to drink than plain water.

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