
12 years ago 0 70
It’s that time of the year again, the festive season. It is hard to stay in shape during ...
12 years ago 0 78
I love how exercising or lifting weights changes the body. It’s a beautiful thing to see, how it ...
12 years ago 0 84
If you are a newbie and are searching through books or reading web pages on the internet there ...
12 years ago 0 70
Trying to find a balance between school and gym can be difficult, especially if you are in university. ...
12 years ago 0 89
Fitness is just like any other field, in order to succeed you need to know what you want ...
12 years ago 0 98
Many people underestimate the power of resting your muscles. Resting your muscles could be beneficial in a number ...
12 years ago 0 100
Phil Heath took the main prize at the Olympia 2011, everyone was looking forward to yet another Cutler ...
12 years ago 0 91
In order to succeed one has to have confidence, now this is often confused with being arrogant. So ...
12 years ago 0 64
I am always reading other blogs, to find out about the way other people train, the kinds of ...
12 years ago 0 85
If you are a serious lifter, you probably know the importance of grip strength. One of the factors ...
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