Weight lifter Problem – Hand Protection and Grip

If you are a serious lifter, you probably know the importance of grip strength. One of the factors that influences grip strength is if you wear hand protection or support or not. We know that our body can support more weight than our hands can handle so often our grip fails us. We also face the problem of developing calluses if we do not use gloves. Calluses are the hardening of skin due to
friction and pressure, which in those who workout is caused by lifting those
heavy weights. Calluses
are the body’s way of protecting your hand so that your skin does not get torn
and you don’t get blisters, but if they are not properly treated they will tear
and it is a painful experience (and you have to wait for the tear to heal
before lifting again).

konstantin konstantinovs worlds most strongest body guards/man.
Konstantin Konstantinovs holds the record for a raw deadlift without a belt of 426kg

Options to protect your hands

  • The first option, is to just take care of your calluses by
    filing them so that they don’t get too thick above your palm skin level and
    also to keep your hands properly moisturised so that they are not easily torn (
    dry hands with protruding calluses are easily torn). Also use Weight Lifting Chalk
    when you
    are lifting to help with your grip (it soaks up moisture, but wash it off as
    soon as you are done lifting and moisturise your hands), and to grip the bar
    properly so as to minimise the friction with the bar which can reduce callus
    formation. Calluses are your natural protection so before I move on to other
    methods of protecting your hands I will just give you a few benefits of using
    your bare hands to lift. When you lift without gloves, you have your best grip
    which means if you are a serious heavy lifter or a power-lifter lifting without
    gloves is your best option because it provides the best grip (direct skin to
    bar contact is better than when there is something between the bar and your
    skin) meaning you will be able to handle more weight just look at all the Olympic weight-lifters.

  • The second option is to just buy Lifting Gloves
    to eliminate the
    problem of calluses, this option is good if you just workout for fun (not in
    strength competitions like power-lifting
    etc), if you don’t want rough hands and you want normal looking soft hands.
    This option is good if you are not the type that lifts the super heavy weights,
    but I have seen some guys with good lifts who use gloves (apparently you get
    used to wearing gloves). If you are used to wearing gloves it could be a
    problem if you forget your gloves and you have to lift with your bare hands,
    maybe you will lift something lighter for that session or go heavy and risk
    getting blisters for that session. There are weight lifting gloves with wrist
    straps which are said to improve grip as well, so that could be an option for

  • Weight Lifting Straps
    – are said to improve your grip during
    heavy lifts if you know how to use them
    properly. They improve grip by transferring the load to the wrist. They are
    usually used when performing back and trap exercises such as the dead-lift, shrug
    and bent over row. These improve your grip when you use them but your grip without them will not improve, if you want to increase you grip strength you would have to have to lift without them sometimes. Lifting straps are handy if you are trying to break through a plateau and you want to use that extra grip so that you lift heavier weights to bring on the growth. 
At the end of your day it is your personal choice whether you prefer to keep your hands protected or you prefer to use your bare hands.  Its also up to you how you improve your grip, whether its by using your bare hands till they are hardened and get used to the friction or you use lifting straps to offer support at the wrist.

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