7 fitness tips to stay fit when you have an office job

how to stay in shape working a desk job
If you have an office job it can be really hard staying fit
and in shape especially when you don’t exercise, eat junk food and you drive
everywhere. Nothing good comes from sitting in a chair all day and eating
unhealthy food. When the weekend comes you are tired and just want to chill or
go out with your friends or rest, leaving little or no time for gym. Here are
some simple tips to stay in shape.

Quick tips to stay in shape

1. Eat healthier food – This can be done by preparing your
own food to carry to work the night before or in the morning (e.g. making
healthy sandwiches) or you can buy healthy sandwiches instead of oily junk food
for lunch.
2. Consume less calories per day – if you don’t work out much
try and not to eat a lot by decreasing your calories as you will not be burning
many calories during the day, any excess calories above your maintenance
calories will only be stored as fat in your body. A god place to start is
calculating what your maintenance calories are and then keeping track of what
you eat to make sure you are not eating more than you need. Eating healthier
food helps decrease overall calories as healthy food keeps you full for longer.
3. Don’t drive to anyplace or take a taxi to any place where
you can walk – this sort of laziness deprives you of burning those extra
calories daily e.g. don’t drive to the tuck shop around the corner, just walk
there and back during your lunch break, that will also save you some fuel.
4. Get a bicycle – this way you don’t drive where you can
walk or cycle especially during weekends when you don’t have to go to work and
need to make trips around your neighbourhood.
5. Catch up with your friends and play a game of rugby, soccer
or another outdoor sport you may enjoy especially on a good summer day, that
way you get to have fun and get some good cardio in. Or you and your friends
can go hiking if you live in an area with a few mountain ranges.
6. Join a gym as close as possible to work so you can have a
morning workout before your day starts, it may be easier than working out after
work when you are tired from a long day.
7. Get some simple workout equipment such as a pull up bar,
skipping rope and a set of 20kg dumbbells and workout at home every other day
at night time for 30 to 45 minutes and during the weekend. There are a lot of
workout combinations you could come up with or just watch a few YouTube videos
to get some hints.

Following these simple tips can help you stay in shape or
improve your current shape when you have a relatively sedentary life. A
sedentary lifestyle combined with an unhealthy diet is a recipe for a potbelly.
Once you get comfortable with being out of shape it’s hard to suddenly develop
a desire to go to gym or start exercising. These tips will not make
you ripped
but they will help you stay in shape. 

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