Tall fitness guys – workout inspiration

It is harder for tall guys to pack on lean muscle to the point were they look good. It becomes even harder if that tall guy is a hard gainer but it is possible to look ripped and shredded even though the taller you are the more muscle you will have to put on. The long frame of tall guys makes it difficult but not impossible to fill with good lean muscle, that is why today I am going to share some pictures of some tall fitness model the tall dudes can model themselves after, so as to get a general idea of what is achievable and to give you some inspiration, a target to aim at.

3 tall top fitness models :

Matus Valent – This Slovakian has hit the fitness world by storm ever since he moved to California. He is 6’3″ tall and has managed to build a great aesthetic body despite his size. It does not mean if you are tall you should be bulky.

matus valent tall fitness models
Matus Valent 6 pack abs

Jed Hill – another really tall fitness model who is killing it in fitness modelling. He also stands at 6’3″ tall.

Jed hill tall fitness models
Jed Hill tall fitness models

 Obi Obadike – one of the top fitness guys in the world, constantly on magazine covers month after month. Also considered the most ripped fitness model. He used to be an athlete (sprinter)  in his high school and college days, so he knows how to get in shape (who am I kidding this guy is in top shape 365days a year, always cover ready). He stands at 6’2″.

obi obadike tall fitness models
Obi Obadike tall fitness model
It does not matter what kind of physique you have, or how tall or short you are, you can train towards attaining a physique that is impressive to others and one that satisfies you. Just check out a guy wit a similar build and height as you and work towards that, when you get lazy just google your role model or whom ever you want to look like and say to yourself that, this person never got here by being lazy. You can do it!

How you can build a physique like that

Rusty Moore from Fitness Black Book has an awesome program that helps average guys build the fitness model hollywood type physique that will help you pull those chicks instead of scaring them, if getting such a physique interests you, go check out his free video and see if this is the program for you.


 NOTE: Click on the picture above and watch video #4


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