There is this fear amongst many girls, it is that if they lift
weights they will develop huge male like muscles and they will look like man or
at worst ugly steroid freaks. Most girls
end up doing tons of cardio and many do not get the end results they want or they do
not even burn the amount of calories they need to slim down.
muscle at the rate that guys can because they do not have as much testosterone
as guys so that makes it harder for them to gain muscle. See for us guys we
have extra testosterone because most of it is made by the testes and if you are
100% female than I guarantee you, a little weight lifting will not make you the
next hulk.
help that women also have slower metabolic rates than men which makes it harder
to lose weight and easier for you to gain fat. The more muscle you have the
higher your metabolic rate will be.
The reason why guys can get leaner easier
is because guys have higher levels of testosterone which makes it easier to
build muscle, have a higher metabolic rate and burn more calories. So think
about it if you start lifting weights you will increase the amount of muscle you have
thus increase you metabolic rate so you will burn more calories.
workouts that a lot of women usually do is that it burns calories long after
you have finished your workout. You could even have cheat meals that don’t
cancel out all your hard work.
turn them into hulk like behemoths. The key is to lift weights that challenge
you, mix them up with challenging body weight training add some cardio and a
great non-restrictive diet like intermittent fasting and you would be set.
The other advantage of lifting weights is that they make you
stronger, if you are taking self defense classes your moves would be more
effective, no let me rephrase that, lethal because by lifting you add some
serious force behind your punches and kicks. Just think about it, a weak punch is
not going to do anything to hardened criminal any-ways.
run on a stupid treadmill, nothing shapes and builds a nice toned behind like a few sets weighted squats.
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Check out this fitness program developed by Rusty Moore owner of the popular fitness blog Fitness Black Book, he designed his women’s fitness product visual impact for women with the aim of giving women an appealing feminine physique not the physique of a steroid taking man-like female bodybuilder.