Do Not Befriend Laziness – Muscle And Laziness Are Not Friends

They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer,
not in this case. Never befriend laziness, it is viral, contagious. I take it
if you are reading this blog you are interested in building muscle, getting in
shape, losing fat or just staying in shape, so muscle is your friend and
laziness is your enemy.

Muscle and laziness cannot co-exist, to build muscle you
must be dedicated, committed to that cause, there is no place for laziness. Laziness
is the mother of procrastination and procrastination is definitely not your
friend, procrastination wastes time and time is worth more than money can buy. Laziness
brings failure, if you want to get ripped, you will fail to do so if you are
lazy because you will not put in the amount of work needed in order to achieve
that goal.
Laziness is not your friend, it lurks in the shadows waiting
for a weak moment to invade, laziness is the oil in your ocean, and laziness is
the killer of success. Laziness is a loser, it does not allow for you to
achieve, it is something that makes you a loser and wants to keep you there.
Think about it do you think Arnold was lazy when he was in
the best shape of his life and winning all those Olympia’s and other
bodybuilding contests? Do you think Ronnie Coleman was lazy when he was lifting
massive weights and winning a record number of Olympia’s? Do you think Greg
Plitt allows himself to become lazy? No, no and no…the best athletes,
bodybuilders and fitness models in the world are not lazy people, to be the
best you have to work harder and smarter than everyone else, that is what it
takes to be number one. The moment you let laziness creep in is when you lose
because there is someone working harder than you, that’s when you don’t win Mr
Olympia, that is when after over a hundred fitness magazine covers and romance
novel covers, you stop being number one because someone out there works harder
and now looks in better shape than you.
Okay so I know that not all of us are professional athletes
or make a living from looking great and being the best but this applies in all
areas of life where you want to achieve something. Laziness is not your friend anywhere
in life, when it starts to creep in, remind yourself why you are doing what you
are doing, check out something or someone that inspires you to do better and to
achieve and ask yourself if that person got there by being lazy.
Everyone can be great; it’s just that most of us are not
willing to work our asses off to get there.  

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