20 ways to get those crazy 8 pack abs

8 pack abs workout program

Today I decided to post 20 different ab exercises you could do to get that rock hard 8 pack. I know it can get boring doing the same exercise day after day, week after week, so I want to share some exercises which you can do seperately or combine a couple of them. Changing your ab exercises is not only for you not to get bored but it provides a variety that keeps your abs guessing which in turn will get you results. It allows for you to target your abs from different angles so that you get the best possible core. So in this post I will only post a list of 20 ab workouts, but I will explain how each one is done in a series of posts in the next few weeks.

8 pack abs workout program
  1.  sit-ups
  2. crunches
  3. reverse crunches
  4. weighted crunches
  5. hanging leg raises/captains chair leg raises
  6. hangings twists
  7. scissor legs
  8. plank
  9. side plank
  10. jacknife situps
  11. bicycles
  12. crunchy frogs
  13. wide leg situps
  14. v-ups
  15. oblique v-ups
  16. mason twists
  17. leg climbs
  18. vertical leg raises
  19. reverse bicycles
  20. in & outs

Part 2
Part 3

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