Travel Fitness Tips – How to not let traveling interfere with your fitness routine

Hey guys I do not travel a lot so I got someone who knows a little about traveling and fitness to share some tips with you today. Mike Manning will share tips on how you can stay fit even when you are traveling…

Probably one of the most overlooked aspects of
traveling is the effect it may have on your fitness routine. The many
temptations offered on a typical trip can throw you off of your rhythm, making
it that much harder to resume a healthy lifestyle when you return from your
trip. Here are a few ways to break that tendency and maintain your physical
fitness level.

travel fitness tips, don't let traveling interfere with your gym routine
Staying fit on the road

Research your hotel

Before you even leave on your trip, do some research
first to find hotels that will make it easier for you to maintain your fitness.
Many modern hotels now offer gyms, exercise equipment — even fitness classes. On
a recent trip to San Francisco I used a travel site called Gogobot in order to
do my research on hotels, their prices, and their amenities. Here I was able to
look at a list of San
Francisco hotels
and could make sure I booked a hotel with a 24-hour gym. When
you arrive, you should avail yourself of these opportunities.

If your hotel does not offer such facilities, there
are still some ways to get in some needed exercise.
For example, you could
pack a set of dumbbell weights. Some travelers prefer resistance bands because
they are much lighter and pack more easily.

Some hotels also have running or nature trails nearby.
You could do some running, jogging, or hiking there. Do not forget to pack your
running clothes and shoes. You should also inquire about the area to make sure
it is safe. Keep in mind that some areas may be safe during the day but
dangerous at night.


In addition to the trend of hotels offering fitness
facilities, some airports have begun providing exercise options for their
travelers. Some airports, like the San Francisco International Airport, now
offer “Zen rooms” and other options
. This gives you a great
opportunity to use your time wisely if you have a layover.

Healthy eating

Probably one of the most difficult temptations for
most travelers is the lure of exotic, and often poorly fattened food. You can
prevent this by researching restaurants that cater to your individual dietary
needs. Many restaurants offer special menus for such diners.

Also, be sure to control your portion sizes. Many
restaurants give you much more food than it is healthy to eat in one sitting.
Order smaller meals, or request a carryout box for any leftovers. These make
great lunches for later.

Back home

Finally, be sure to get back into your normal routine as soon as
you can. Habits are hard to form but easy to break. The sooner your resume your
fitness regimen, the more likely it is you will maintain it upon returning

This post was written
by Mike Manning, he is into the outdoors, he likes hiking, weight training,
cooking, camping, running and travelling the world and exploring nature so be
sure to check out his blog
for more cool tips of health and fitness.

Photo by nuttakit /

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