Top 3 WWE wrestlers who transformed in order to become WWE superstars

WWE Superstars

I used to be a huge WWE wrestling fan, and I was watching some show showing some WWE superstars and how they rose to superstardom. It was interesting to see the devices they used to get to the top.

 The key things most of the guys used to get to the top was to be in awesome shape and gain size as they progressed or get more defined, some used name changes and most importantly they got attention from the fans by either being the enemy and attacking fan favourates or becoming fan favourites by winning alot of fights and beating fan ‘enemies’. The key things though were being entertaining and being a crowd pleaser no matter what device you used to entertain the crowd.

So today I would like to list my 3 favourate superstars who rose to WWE superstardom using these and other methods:

1. John cena

I have to say when John Cena first burst onto WWE Smack-down in 2002 he was aesthetic as hell, he was not as big as he is now ( he has the biggest arms and forearms). He used to tan and wear tights (shorts are cool, don’t get the tight thing) like most of the other wrestlers, he was more cut. He went through quite a few changes on his way up. Remember he used to rap and wear that hip hop basket ball atire to the ring and he used to wear a chain with a lock on it. He used to cheat in matches back in the day and pimped the heavy weight champion belt to spin (that was cool). Man then he changed up and stopped cheating and started wearing those denim type shorts and doing military style stuff and became champion for long periods of times, when he did lose a year would not end without him being champion again. 

2. HHH (Hunter Hearst Helmsley)/ The game/ Real name Paul levesque

Wow this guy is a legend in the WWE has held the heavy weight title a record number of times. He looks like he is straight from Lord of the rings or some epic movie. The guy looks like those guys they make kings in movies. He too used to be very aesthetic back in 95 and has gained alot of size. He went from being called Hunter Hearst Helmsley to simply HHH and has gone on to dominate wrestling as part on D-X and Evolution and as a solo act.

3. The Rock/ Rocky Mavia/ real name Dwayne Johnson

Well he is one of the most entertaining wrestlers of all time the ultimate fan favourite, he used that tactic, with his pesonality and jokes to rise to the top, not forgeting he had the body and skills to match. When he first debut in 1996 he was a bit on the bulky side and had not reached his best physique yet in my opinion. He had a silly hairstyle and thanks god he cut it and became well presented and he also improved his physique being more cut. He has since moved on to become a movie star appearing in several hollywood movies. 

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