Problem With Fitness Industry -Too many fitness views and opinions

I have not been into weight lifting for too long but already
I have realised that with fitness comes many points of views. The thing is that
like many other topics, there are many ways of getting results and many people
are “experts”, it becomes hard for us newbie’s to find the right person to
follow. When we see a guy with a great physique we sometimes automatically
assume that the guy knows what he is talking about. Even when someone is a
certified personal trainer and their body does not represent the knowledge they
supposedly possess, we are somewhat inclined to believe them.

For us the inexperienced lifters we fall prey to many things
or should I say traps that are in the fitness industry. We idolize people with
great bodies and follow their advice thinking that we will get to the same
level of shreddedness meanwhile that is not the shit that got them to that
level, many of the people we idolize are on steroids or have been on a steroid
cycle before. Them not sharing such information with us is misinformation. Such
people have brands and products to sell, personalised diets and workouts to
sell, fitness empires to build so admitting to steroid use would not be good to
market their brand.
You see steroids are still frowned upon by the general
public, much the same like weed and other recreational drugs. I personally have
no problem with people using steroids it is their personal choice, in terms of
sports I realise that it is not fair for those who use them to compete against
natural athletes who do not use them hence why it is illegal to use steroids in
most sports.  I my opinion I feel that
steroid use much like weed smoking is more common than everyone thinks, lots of
people pretend to be against weed smoking when they have tried it before or
would smoke it given the opportunity to do so.
Okay so I got a bit side tracked there, going back to the
fitness thing, there are lots of people in fitness who are sell outs and would
recommend certain things because of the financial gain associated with making
certain claims. Some information can’t be trusted because certain fitness
figures are associated with certain fitness products and nutritional brands.
You get a lot of adverts on TV showing you this fitness model using that
product when that fitness model does not even use that product and got that
physique long before the product was even made. For advertising purposes they
use misinformation to get people to buy their shit.
In addition to the stuff I have already mentioned, I feel
like fitness is something that is personalised, what works for Greg Plitt,
Naso, or Josef Rakich may not work for you. So it is wise to try a variety of
things till you find what works for you. I mean there are people out there who
believe training heavy with low reps is the best way to get really big, where
as others believe that training heavy and low reps is for strength gain and
that more reps are needed to gain size. Heck there are people who can prove
that certain routines work for them but that does not mean it will work for you
or even if it does work no workout can guarantee that you will get results as
impressive as the results of the person who advocates that sort of workout
plan. Some people will tell you need to eat 6 or more meals a day and others
especially the ones who believe in IF will state otherwise and yet both groups
have opposite ideas and have some good results to back both their methods.
There are too many sources of information in fitness, incorrect
and viable information, too many magazines, and too many people promising you
the world. It is time that you grew up and stop being a workout program whore,
try sticking to a workout long enough for you to see if it works or not. Fitness
magazines always promise you new workouts to get growth but that is all
bullshit and usually there is nothing new about it, not much changes when it
comes to building muscle, what worked for Arnold and Frank Zane would probably
still work for you today. Fitness magazines just like many other things related
to fitness are cash inspired so they use all the tactics including lies just so
you keep buying their product.
So what was the point of this whole post? This is the
fitness world and you will be lied to, you will read piles of shit and piles of
good content, it’s up to you to look through all those piles and distinguish
the difference between shit and quality content. Don’t follow every new workout
plan you find, find one source and block out all the other stuff and see how
that works for you, you can’t be chopping and changing every time, you need to
be consistent.  

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