I want to have big muscles – A reminder from watching wrestlemania

I was watching wrestlemania the other day and it reminded me
of my childhood dream of being big with huge muscles. I did not care about
aesthetics, or what girls thought all I cared about was one day becoming this
tall muscular guy, who other guys would not mess with and I would be super
Unfortunately because of my genetics I could not become a giant
in terms of height instead I am on the taller side of average. I am fine with
my height at least I am not short. Seeing as I shall not tower over people the
only thing that was left for me was to be strong or at least look strong but
than girls came along and getting girls was all of a sudden more important than
having a Conan the Barbarian physique. I could not look all big, bulky and
overly muscular so for the sake of attracting the opposite sex and looking good
so I now workout towards building a lean fitness model and athletic physique.
the rock muscles dwayne
I always have internal debates with myself regarding whether
to just say screw the world I am going Super Saiyan and building the biggest baddest
muscular physique in the world, but then common sense kicks in and I realise
that the world is about social interactions and perceptions, and I do not want
to be seen as a meat head or to be scary looking.
If I were to go big I would go for the Franco Columbu, Frank
Zane type physique not the modern day Mr Olympia type of physique. The Olympia
guys are just too big these days. Not that I do not find inspiration in them as
well, there is nothing more inspirational than watching a Ronny Coleman workout
video just before a workout, the comments he made and the super heavy of the weights
he lifted is truly inspirational. It activates the caveman in me, a genetic
trait awoken within guys that girls and feminine guys would not understand.
Oh and to get back to which Wrestlemania match brought about
this desire to be big and tower over mere earthlings (hehe), it was the John Cena
vs The Rock match. Those guys have some serious size, John Cena is tall but you
can hardly notice it because he is so muscular, he has the biggest arms and
forearms not to mention his strength. The Rock is a beast he is a beast that
towers over mere mortals with the size to match, unlike Cena he looks tall and
even though he is also very muscular he does not look bulky at all.
Unfortunately as I stated before some of us were not blessed
with tall genetics but watching WWE Wrestlemania made me want to pack on some
serious size and forget about 6 pack abs for a while.  

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