5 ways to make sure you make good muscle and strength gains


– Have a variation of rep ranges to
keep your muscles guessing. Don’t just do 8-12reps even though that rep range
shows great results in muscle gain, use 6 reps to build strength with heavier
weights and it will help build muscle in the long run. Do 15-20 reps till
failure for muscle fatigue. Mixing your rep ranges with generate more growth
than just sticking to the same range. 


– a diet with the right combination of protein, carbs and
healthy fats such as omega 3 fats will go a long way if you want to see all
your hard gym work converted into solid muscle gain.


– I have read this many times from several sources
and from a video series with Kai Green on
www.bodybuilding.com . It’s important to imagine the body you want to have and to imagine the
muscle you are targeting growing as you work it out. This is a kind of positive
thinking that often leads to positive results if you believe a change is
occurring whilst you are applying the required force, it catalyses the muscle


– A normal person needs 2 litres of water a day but
if you workout you need more, I have often drank up to 3 litres of water during
an intense workout and I still had to drink the usual extra 2 litres because I
was thirsty and I was listening to my body. You need to drink lots of water to
make up for the fluid you lose through sweating. You need water to increase the
volume of your blood so that nutrients are better circulated to all the areas
in your body to help growth and recovery.


– We have all heard people saying get at least 8
hours of sleep per day for proper brain function, well this is even more true
and necessary for muscle gain. If you don’t get proper deep sleep then your
whole hormone cycle is disturbed leading to decreased muscle growth, lack of
energy and decreased strength.

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