4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Lift Heavy Weights and Why You Should Do It Anyways

Many people want to get bigger and it is often advised that
they should lift heavy weights, the heavier the weights they can lift, the more
muscle they will break down and  rebuild so that their body can handle
that huge load next time. There are also those who say that training with super
heavy weights is unnecessary especially if you just want to get ripped and not
Mr Olympia big. Let us begin with the reasons you shouldn’t lift super heavy

Frank Zane lifting heavy weights

In those days, I did what was necessary for me to win. This included training with heavy weights: a precursor for injury. So if I could do it over again I’d train with lighter weights, higher reps, no sets below 10 reps, with negatives slower than positives, and avoid injury. If I had done that, my physique wouldn’t have been quite as bulky, but with more definition and with less pain. – Frank Zane

Why You Should Not
Lift Heavy Weights

  • They cause you to have poor form, if you have poor form it
    is like you are cheating. When you lift a heavy weight you cannot properly
    handle you have poor form which means you are not getting the intended workout
    to your targeted muscle, you would have been better served by a lower weight
    with proper form to get the most out of your workout through a full range of
  • Lifting heavy weights often results in injury, injuries
    often caused by poor form and the inability to handle the weight you are
    lifting. Injury can take you weeks, months to recover or you could never
    recover from it fully. While you are injured there could be exercises you can
    do short term or can never do permanently just because you wanted to lift a
    weight you could not handle.
  • You are not a powerlifter or a professional bodybuilder who
    needs to be hulk size so it is not necessary to lift super heavy weights to get
    big. Even bodybuilders lift those super heavy weights for show. You do not need
    to lift super heavy to get big, you just need to lift smart and to know what
    you are doing.
  • Do not lift super heavy weights if you are by yourself and
    have no one to spot you, this is dangerous and could result in serious injury
    if the weight you are trying to lift crashes into you.
ronnie coleman nobody want to lift no heavy-ass weights

Everybody wants to be a
bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights – Ronnie Coleman

Why You Should
Lift Heavy Weights

  • When I was a kid I not only dreamed of being big and
    muscular, I also dreamed of being super strong, I don’t want to be those guys
    who only look strong and big, I want my size to be proportional to my strength
    or even be stronger than I look since my goal weight is not that big at around
    85kg of shredded muscle.

  • Lifting heavy weights and doing compound exercises is the
    simplest way to gain good size and strength as fast as possible, but make sure
    that when you are lifting heavy weights you take the necessary safety
    precautions like wearing a lifting belt when doing your squats, deadlifts and whatever
    other exercise that involves your back to protect your back.

  • If you realize that you are not superman and you are not a power lifter trying to break some record. If you can avoid doing anything stupid like lifting to impress
    others, lifting only what you are able to lift. Do not risk injury due to poor
    form because you were showing off that you could lift the most weight. 

  • You can lift heavy weights as long as you go about it in the
    right way, do not go from lifting 60kg to lifting over 100kg’s when you are
    still not ready or strong enough, take time each week to build strength by progressing
    in small increments till you can reach that goal heavy weight of yours. Add a
    couple pounds per week to what you can lift and soon all those pounds of iron
    will add up to a colossal amount of weight that will help you build muscle
    along the way to becoming super strong as well.

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