1 Year, 154 blogposts, 200 000 page views of fitness blogging

I remember I started this blog last year around this time of
year; it was the 4th of December 2011. It was unintentional; I had
never thought about writing about fitness and my progress for that matter let
alone share it online with the world. I wanted to comment on a friend’s blog
and he only allowed comments from other bloggers so I decided to start a blog
of my own. It was easy for me to choose what to write about, I was living it,
reading it and trying to share it with my friends and family, and some would
have described me as fitness obsessed. All I thought about was the gym and
improving my physique.
1 year 200 000 page views 154 blog posts

The beginning of
Zulu Muscle Express

I wanted to share my progress in the hopes that it would
inspire someone out there to going the gym for the first time or rejoin if they
went to gym before. I wanted this blog to serve as a sort of gym motivation.
Not only did I want to share my progress I wanted to provide people with other
gym motivation such as fitness models, young bodybuilders and up and coming
fitness models, fit girls, fit ripped dudes in sport and their female
counterparts as well as fit females in the fitness industry for the ladies to
be inspired and to provide some eye candy for the guys.
In the first month I had managed to write 12 blog posts and
because the blog was new and I was not promoting it at the time I only managed
to get about 205 page views, that was a small number but I was excited that
people actually came to my sight and read what I wrote.

similarity to getting fit

From that first month when I received 205 page views I knew
that if I wanted to grow the blog, I had to do a lot of work. So I began
reading a lot about how to promote a blog online, I tried various methods and I
am still doing some of the stuff I learnt during those early days. I realised
that the more I wrote the more my traffic increased which means more and more
people got inspired, or learnt something new or just read my story.
In fitness it’s just like in blogging  consistency is key, the only way to grow and
get more muscle is to train hard week after week, to eat well and to eat enough
week after week and to rest enough so you can recover and prevent injury week
after week. In blogging you have to always learn new things, tweak old things
and but mostly it’s about being consistent, getting one link won’t help you
much you need many links, and social media shares to grow so you produce
content that will get shared by people whether via links or social media links.
Sometimes you work on getting your content out there so that people can easily
find it but it takes long for you to see where all your hard work went just
like you may work hard in the gym before you get results, before you get big.

The future

I passed the 200 000 page views mark a couple days ago
and I was over the moon, I would have never even imagined that I would get so
many page views especially  after that
first month when I only got 205 page views for a whole month . For me it’s just
like when I was skinny I would have never imagined myself gaining so much mass
in such a short space of time. I would have been happy with 20 000 page
views but I have gotten more page views than initially expected. I would like
to grow this blog some more this next year and see what happens in the coming
months, 2012 has been a great year and I wish everyone enjoys the festive
season and makes in into 2013 more goal oriented so that we all achieve what we
want in life.

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